Hello Lavender Loving Friends,
Here's a quick update on our lavender. English Lavender is in bloom.

Our French are not quite in bloom...

English Lavender as of

Lavender Field as of
As a reminder, we are currently charging admission. The admission fee is $5 per person (cash only). Children under 10 are free.
Please be aware that we are not offering Cut Your Own Lavender this season.
When visiting the farm please keep in mind that this private property. We work very hard to maintain the property and ask that you please treat it with respect. Our intention has always been, and continues to be, to share our peaceful oasis with visitors so that they may experience the healing energy that exists here. We ask that you please be mindful of other guests as we want all our visitors to enjoy their time here.
We hope you support our ability to stay open by visiting the shop and purchasing some of the many handmade artisan lavender products or one-of-a-kind items made by local artisans. When you support us you also support them, and for that, we are truly grateful.
To make your visit more enjoyable, please visit the Important Info Page as well as the FAQ Page on our website.
While our hours are Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 10 am - 5 pm, please be aware that we sometimes close for private events so please check our website before heading out.
Hope to see you soon!!
With Love & Gratitude,
Monica & Jim
