Purple Watch 2020 - June 8, 2020
Hello Beautiful Lavender Loving Friends, Hope you're all continuing to stay safe and doing well. I want to give you an update on a few things… For all the Inquiring Minds… Nope, the lavender is not in bloom yet. But I am excited to let you know that our Folgate and Royal Velvet are forming buds which means... Purple Watch 2020 is on!! I will let everyone know when the lavender is in bloom so you can come for a visit and enjoy some much needed Lavender Therapy. Feel free to bring a picnic basket and blanket, a good book, your knitting project or even your easle and paint brush.
For those of you who are new to our lavender family please know that our field is not the gorgeousness it was a couple of years ago. You may read about it in our June 2019 Newsletter. However, last week I posted on our social media that we planted almost 1200 new lavender plants. These new lavender babies will not be allowed to bloom until next year so that they may put their energy into building a good root system. Hoping Mother Nature will be kinder to us.
Just a girl and her lavender. And her incredibly supportive husband helping keep her lavender dream alive.
We have been giving a lot of thought and honestly struggling with whether or not to offer Cut Your Own Lavender this year given the COVID-19 Pandemic. We know how much everyone enjoys the experience of gathering the perfect lavender stems and we don’t want to take that away especially during these stressful times. Therefore, I am happy to announce that we will continue the tradition of CYO Lavender but it will have to be different this year.
In order to manage the number of visitors on the property and in the lavender field we will be offering CYO Lavender by Appointment ONLY on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ONLY between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. CYO Lavender WILL NOT be available on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays.
Here’s what to expect:
Appointment Requests should be sent to monica@orchardviewlavenderfarm.com. Please specify whether you'd like a Tuesday or Wednesday appointment and your desired time. Every effort will be made to accommodate your desired time but can't be guaranteed. You will receive an Appointment Confirmation.
Cut Your Own Bundles are $15 each. Limit 1 Bundle Per Person.
6 ft. Social Distancing is required.
Face Covering must be worn over nose and mouth when out in the field during CYO Lavender Instruction Time (only a few minutes). Face covering may be removed only if there is adequate distance between you and other visitors.
Scissors, Gathering Baskets and Rubber Bands will NOT be provided this year. Please bring your own.
Patience, Kindness and Good Vibes Only PLEASE.
PLEASE stay home if you're not feeling well.
It is our hope that by escaping to the farm you'll find peace and a sense of well-being during these difficult times.
We’ve also received lots of inquiries about our events. Given the current Executive Orders we have had to make some changes to our Events Schedule. I’m sad to announce that we have decided to cancel our Farm To Table Dinners as it would be impossible to adhere to the social distancing guidelines. As far as our Sunset At The Lavender Farm Event, we have moved it from June 19 to July 18. We are working closely with our caterer to ensure everyone has a wonderful experience while enjoying delicious food and live music in a safe and comfortable manner. Additional information including menu, safety measures and ticket info will be available soon. Our 5 Year Businessversary Event which will feature our much loved Artisans and Makers will be rescheduled from June 27 to September 26. Additional information will be available soon.
We would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has visited us so far this season. We greatly appreciate your support and we are especially grateful for your patience, understanding and compliance with our safety measures.
As a reminder, below are our current COVID-19 Safety Measures:
PLEASE stay home if you are not feeling well.
6 ft. Social Distancing is required.
Face Mask covering nose and mouth is required. Face covering may be removed while outside only if there is adequate distance between you and other visitors.
Only 5 Guests will be allowed in the Shop at one time.
We reserve the right to limit the number of visitors on the property and in the field at any given time in order to keep everyone safe.
Hands must be sanitized upon entering the Shop. Sanitizer will be provided.
No Cash Sales – Contactless Credit Card Transactions Only.
Samples will not be available during this time.
Patience, Kindness and Good Vibes Only Please.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don't miss any updates. Hope to see you soon. In the meantime, stay safe and take good care of yourselves. With Love & Gratitude, Jim & Monica