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Opening Day

Hello My Lavender Loving Friends, Boy, have I missed you!! I'm so excited Spring is finally here and that it's starting to warm up. I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt again!! One of my projects this past winter was to organize my photos (NOTES to Self: 1) There's no need for so many pictures and 2) It's okay to delete delete delete). I came across this picture of my hand from June of 2015 (one months after planting our first lavender plants). Next to that picture is a picture of what my hands used to look like before I became a lavender farmHer! My hands may not be pretty and manicured anymore but at least my heart is happy.

Opening Day!! I'm blown away by the amount of calls and messages I've been receiving asking about our opening day. I'm happy to announce that the 2019 Season will officially begin on Friday, April 19!! Our hours are Fridays Saturdays & Sundays from 10 am - 5 pm. We've got lots of fun events planned for this year, some of which are listed on our Upcoming Events Page. If you don't follow us on social media, please be sure to check our website often for updates. By the way, the best way to stay informed about what's going on is to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Is It Blooming Yet?? The other question on everyone's mind is "When will the lavender be in bloom?" Well, our English varieties usually bloom in June and some will give us a second bloom later in the season. Our French varieties will bloom in July. Keep in mind that we are at the mercy of Mother Nature and she determines the bloom times as well as the duration of the blooms. In early June we'll start Purple Watch 2019 which means I'll be posting updates on our social media pages. You could also email or call us for updates on the bloom status.

Lavender Care Tip Waiting for the lavender to bloom can be torture. But, it's important to Be Patient!! Sometimes, lavender takes it's sweet time coming out of dormancy making us think it's dead (said in a whisper). If it's late in the season and you're not sure, do what I call The Bend Test. What's The Bend Test?? I'm glad you asked. Just take one of the "branches" and bend it. If it doesn't snap off there's still life in it. You can also scratch at the base of the plant and if you see green, leave it alone. I'm always sad when I hear about people yanking their lavender out of the ground because they thought it was a goner. Remember, I'm here to help so please call me or email me with your questions. We're stocking the shop with your favorite handmade artisan lavender products as well as some new ones. And, in the coming weeks we'll be announcing some new partnerships which we hope you'll love as much as we do!! We're looking forward to another season of sharing our little slice of heaven with old friends and new. Thank you for your continued support. Hope to see you soon, Jim & Monica


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Orchard View Lavender Farm

101 Karrsville Road

Port Murray, New Jersey 07865


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Currently Closed For The Season.

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@ 2024 Orchard View Lavender Farm, LLC

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