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Purple Watch 2020 Update

Hello Beautiful Lavender Loving Friends, Almost! Thanks to the cooler temps we've had we've been able to enjoy the lingering purple in the field. Our Folgate is almost ready to bloom and harvest. If we get a stretch of warm temps it may start to bloom this weekend. Of course, we are at the mercy of Mother Nature and she determines the bloom times as well as the duration of the blooms. Our Royal Velvet won't be far behind. Now is a great time to come out an get your Lavender Therapy on!! As previously announced, Cut Your Own Lavender will be different this year. In order to manage the number of visitors on the property and in the lavender field we will be offering CYO Lavender by Appointment ONLY on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ONLY between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. CYO Lavender WILL NOT be available on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. Here’s what to expect: Appointment Requests should be sent to Please specify whether you'd like a Tuesday or Wednesday appointment and your desired time. Every effort will be made to accommodate your desired time but can't be guaranteed. You will receive an Appointment Confirmation via email. Please note that CYO will not be offered in the rain. If it happens to be raining on your appointment date/time, please contact us to reschedule your appointment.

Cut Your Own Bundles are $15 each.

  • Limit 1 Bundle Per Person.

  • 6 ft. Social Distancing is required.

  • Face Covering must be worn over nose and mouth when out in the field during CYO Lavender Instruction Time (only a few minutes). Face covering may be removed only if there is adequate distance between you and other visitors.

  • Scissors, Gathering Baskets and Rubber Bands will NOT be provided this year. Please bring your own.

  • Patience, Kindness and Good Vibes Only PLEASE.

  • PLEASE stay home if you're not feeling well.

I would like to address a question we get asked very often. How much is the entrance fee? As most of you know, we do not charge an entrance fee. When we opened our home to visitors it was, and still is, our intention to share the beauty and healing energy of the property in the hopes of bringing much needed peace into the lives of our guests. Lord knows we all need some of that. It is our desire that when our guests leave, that they do so a little happier than when they came in. It gives us great joy to see our guests enjoying themselves during their visits with us, whether it's taking selfies with family and friends, picnicking and making memories or just soaking in the sun and enjoying the peace and tranquility. So, while we chose not to charge an admission fee, we hope that you support our ability to stay open by visiting the shop and purchasing some of the many handmade artisan lavender products or one of a kind items made by local artisans. When you support us you also support them. If you are not able to make a purchase, we would greatly appreciate a recommendation or a positive review. Our hearts are full of gratitude for the love and support we have received over the years and especially this year. Without your support we would not be able to do what we do. Thank You.

We are finalizing the details for our July 18 Sunset At The Lavender Farm as well as our other upcoming events and hope to make ticket information available soon. Be sure to check our Upcoming Events Page often and follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don't miss any announcements.

Hope to see you soon. In the meantime, stay safe and take good care of yourselves. With Love & Gratitude, Jim & Monica


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Orchard View Lavender Farm

101 Karrsville Road

Port Murray, New Jersey 07865


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Currently Closed For The Season.

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@ 2024 Orchard View Lavender Farm, LLC

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