Hello Lavender Loving Friends,
How is it the middle of October already?!?!
Hope you're all enjoying the beginning of Autumn with it's cooler temps and all the fun fall activities. I love this time of year on the farm, watching the gorgeous transformation of the landscape around us. I'm reminded that nothing is forever and that we shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted.
It's been a very busy season so far but we still have some great upcoming events:
Saturday, October 22 - Autumn Equinox Restoration Event - SOLD OUT
Saturday, October 22 - Class On A Glass Lavender Painting Event - SOLD OUT
Saturday, October 29 - We will be closed so that we may participate in the Harvest, Honey Garlic Festival at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. Come visit us there!!
Sunday, November 6 - CLOSED
Saturday, November 12 & Sunday, November 13 - Reiki with Kimberly Glaskey - Taking place in The Little Cottage on the property. This event always sells out. Book your appointment early.
Saturday, November 19 - De-Stress & Fortify Before the Holidays Event with Vibha Rana of Green Tulip Health & Wellness - Taking place in The Little Cottage on the property. This event always sells out. Book your appointment early.
Friday, November 25 - CLOSED

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I have wonderful news to share about my daughter. As some of you know, she was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. After 19 long months of countless appointments, multiple surgeries, biopsies, chemo treatments, herceptin infusions, tons of meds, side effects, pain, tears, emotional ups and downs, fear and uncertainty, her most recent tests show no evidence of cancer!! We are so grateful for her fantastic oncology team who will continue to monitor her every three months. We pray that her body continues to heal and that there is never a recurrence. The last year and a half is one giant blur. I cannot even begin to express the immense gratitude we feel for the incredible support from family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. The incredible generosity of donations allowed Raquel to focus on her fight rather than her bills. The love, encouragement and prayers lifted us up when we needed it the most. We are forever grateful and truly blessed.
Please make your mammogram appointment today and remember to do self-exams regularly. Early detection could save your life.

Our hours are Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays from 10 am – 5 pm – except when closed for private events. Special hours are always posted on our website, social media and voice mail greeting. We ask that you PLEASE respect these hours.
We truly appreciate your continued support and we look forward to seeing you soon.
With Love and Gratitude,
Monica & Jim
